Friday, May 29, 2015

A Little "Punch" Drunk

Well, 24 hours into this "journey" and there is already so much drama that I am half expecting a few of the Real Housewives to show up, throw a fake Botox party, and throw some wine into somebody's face. Of course, that may be Kupah's next move, but I am getting ahead of myself.

It's been an unspecified amount of time since night one, but Chris Harrison is here to visit Kaitlyn and wonder whether or not she's feeling insecure about the fact that some of the guys voted for Britt and not her, but she's pressing on, hoping to "make connections" with many more guys throughout this process. Way to keep your chin up, honey. After all, this was probably the only way you were going to be able to "find love." Oh wait...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Three's a Crowd!

Kaitlyn                                                Britt
Well, well, well, Rose Enthusiasts! After many weeks of "speculation" and "suspense" we have our new Bachelorette! Did anyone actually think it was going to be Britt? Anyone? Anyone? 

But, even though there was really no contest on who was actually going to "win" the honor of being courted by 25 guys and subjected to abject humiliation on national television, we still had to sit through THREE HOURS of footage to get to our journey's beginning.